What are the 1st signs of menopause?

As women age, levels of estrogen decrease. More importantly, the balance between estrogen and progesterone can be off many years before you expect to experience menopause. Traditional medical advice will tell you this is just a part of life you have to live with. We disagree. Normal is not optimal and there have been medical advancements that allow you to have a fantastic quality of live with properly balanced hormones.

Watch the video below and see if you relate to any of these symptoms:

  • Change in your period.
  • Hot flashes.
  • Bladder control.
  • Can’t fall asleep.
  • Wake up and cant fall back asleep.
  • A racing mind.
  • Low Labido – Vaginal health and sexuality.
  • Mood changes – irritable (You can’t help it)
  • You don’t feel like yourself.

All of the causes of these symptoms can be easily treated with bio-identical hormone replacement therapy. You Doctor might be telling you that it’s just part of life and you have to live with it. Don’t believe them. There is hope. We have helped thousands of women live healthy and happy lives by balancing and optimizing their hormone levels.

With safe and natural hormone replacement therapy, you can feel like your self again. Some simple blood tests can show our Doctors what’s going on. They will review each hormone line by line and explain how it works and how to optimize it. Find out how Hormone Balance Centers can help you with the symptoms of menopause.